

Hand to hand Duet


Card Balance

Cube Spin


Performed on a unique structure, this award winning act combines highly technical acrobatics with smooth balancing and choreography. Created by Peter Boulanger, this act is performed by two former Cirque du Soleil acrobats, who've showcased their acrobatic talents around the world.
One table, four chairs, one idiot balancing on top. The act evolves as the chairs are stacked in ever higher and more complicated patterns. The chairs have been designed to let them stack together in a unique way, creating a new twist on a traditional act.   Stack can be performed as a Solo or a Duo.
Contortion is an ever popular circus act, inspiring disbelief and shock at the possibilities of human flexibility. The act is available in different themes and costumes. Of all the acts, it requires the least amount of space.
This hand to hand trio combines circus technique with stunt action. A full out brawl between three men over the possession of what ever precious object is appropriate for the occasion. High energy, comedy, and adaptable to most spaces.
The cube is a framework of polished bars, 4 1/2 feet square. It's danced around, in, manipulated with the body, but most of all, it's spun.  When the cube is  spun, and lit by theatre lights, it becomes  holographic.  It's shape morphes in magical ways as the light reflects off the spinning bars.
Hand to Hand is built on the possibilities of connecting two bodies. It's one of the oldest of circus acts, and showcases the infinite ways that two humans can climb and balance on each other.  Depending on the artists, it can be dynamic, scuptural, sensual.
An acrobatic take on buildng a house of cards, it's performed with two foot by three foot playing cards.  There are no hooks or gimmicks, all the structures are built simply by leaning the cards against each other.  And what would an acrobatic act be without some one performing precarious handstands and flips?
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